Monday, May 5, 2014

Eat Your EDU Dog Food

From a digital prospective it seems that lots of digital adaptation within universities stops at a check mark.

"Online registration system? Check"

"Course catalog available online? Check"

This list goes on a while and then someone says, "Whew, glad that's done"

Eight years later the exact system remains. It is cared for and curated by the Office of Perpetual Status Quo and the Chief Already Satisfied Officer.

Sound familiar? 10 years ago some of these systems were cutting edge and extremely complex to install. Today? None of it is responsive. Systems are separate that should be integrated. Wordpress has more native function.

Senior university officers should be required to enroll in their own university every year. They should be required to go through admissions, select housing, apply for financial aid, schedule their orientation and advising appointments, make course selections and order books.

One should do all of this on a desktop, one on a tablet and one on a phone - a 3G phone. Why? Not to embarrass or challenge their internal systems, but to see what their customers experience.

Ever watch "Undercover Boss"? The CEO goes undercover as an employee to see how the company really works. Every episode the boss is shocked, stunned and amazed at how poorly some boardroom decisions work in practice. Change is mandated because it is required.

As for the fallout, Pres. Harry Truman was asked nicknamed "give 'em hell, Harry". To this he famously said, "I don't give them hell, I just tell them the truth and they think it's hell." This doesn't have to be IT vs Admissions vs Community Relations. This is simply time marches on. Things change. Customers become more sophisticated.

If you are a university administrator, on behalf of your customers, I implore you, eat your dog food.

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